Steve Chamberlain

Steve Chamberlain, the President of The Regina Bell Ringers, has played the Darke Memorial Chimes since 1977. He apprenticed under Wayne Tunison at Knox-Metropolitan United Church, playing both the tower bells and hand bells. He has enjoyed performing and writing music. He performed on two albums; Tower Music - an LP produced by the Regina Bell Ringers and Entertaining Angels 1 - a cassette written, performed and produced by Steve.

These days, Steve keeps busy performing spring concerts on the Wascana Chimes in the Wascana Center Authority building in Wascana Park and summer concerts on the Darke Memorial Chimes at Knox Metropolitan United Church. Steve is working to produce a concert to help mark Regina's centennial on Thanksgiving weekend of 2003. The concert will feature the inaugural performance of the Regina Bell Ringers' current project - The World's Largest Set of Water Chimes. Steve can be emailed at:

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Revised:  August 5, 2005