F. Wayne Tunison

F. Wayne Tunison was born on February 20, 1953 in Regina. He attended Victoria Public School and received his diploma from Central Collegiate in 1970, in Fine Arts. He received his B.Sc in Mathematics in 1974, and his M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering in 1977. He has actively participated in both music and art throughout his life. As a student at Central, he studied musical theatre under William Makahonuk, with successes such as directing Cole Porter's "Kiss Me Kate" in his senior year. He played trombone with both the Regina Intercollegiate and Saskatchewan Youth Orchestras. While at the University, he sang in the University Concert Choir and Regina Philharmonic Choir, and took many electives in music.

Wayne began to study bells at the age of thirteen under the direction of Lawrence Ritchey. Wayne and Cameron Blachford formed the Regina Bell Ringers in 1976 with an initial membership of four. In his travels, Wayne has played bells on five continents. Presently, Wayne works at ISM as a Strategic Business Consultant. He is a contributing member of both the Neutral Ground Art Gallery and The Bridge, painting and documenting on video his artistic impressions. Active experimentation and integration of the arts through avant garde lifestyle and interaction are the current avenues of exploration for Wayne.

For more than thirty years, Wayne has been playing and teaching the bells, so that now, every active Tower Bell Ringer in Regina was either taught by Wayne or one of his apprentices. Wayne continues to teach, compose and play regularly.



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Revised:  August 27, 2011