Welcome to the Regina Bell Ringers

The Regina Bell Ringers,
Inc. formed in 1976 to give an organized voice to the bell ringing
community, including handbells and tower bells. The organization preserves the
art of bell ringing by ensuring a professional presence in the Queen
City. The professional
bell ringers pass on their art through apprenticeship programs. There are
exciting opportunities for bell ringers to integrate bells of all kinds with
other artists and expand repetoire by writing their own music and reviewing
compositions from around the world. The ringers work to establish more bell
venues in and around the city of Regina.
The Regina Bell Ringers maintain an archive to document all bell-related
The Organization
The Regina
Bell Ringers is a city-wide organization. Members of all ages
come from various backgrounds - with or without musical training - but with a
common interest in bell ringing. The Regina Bell
Ringers perform on a variety of instruments ranging from a few
ounces to two tons in weight. The Handbell Choir
rings Schulmerich handbells. Depending on the situation, the
handbells are rung by soloists, small ensembles or a choir of up to fourteen
ringers. The five octave set contains 86 individual bells. The largest weighs
over twenty pounds. The handbell choir takes the bells to venues throughout the
city and province to perform. Tower bells are hung on the top of buildings so
the sound of the bells carries over the surrounding area. Wascana Chimes is a set of eight tubular bells.
The Darke Memorial Chimes is a set of twelve
large, English tower bells, the smallest weighs 300 pounds and the largest
weighs two tons.
The Concerts
Concerts are performed for various functions.
Funerals, weddings and state occasions. The Darke Memorial Chimes - Concerts
Series run annually in the Fall. Wascana Centre concerts are scheduled
throughout the summer.
The Professionals
The Regina
Bell Ringers season never ends. Performances, rehearsals and apprenticeship training happen year round. For more
information, contact: Carol Benesh
at reginabellringers@accesscomm.ca.
Bell Ringers, Inc.
2340 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 0S6
Revised: 23-Jan-2015