Special thanks to:










Knox-Metropolitan United Church



Regina Bell Ringers

President:     Shelleen Ross

Vice-President:  Garth Solar

Secretary/Treasurer:  Carol Benesh






For Tower Bell Tours or

Apprenticeship Information

Contact the Knox-Metropolitan at 525-9128





            The first Ladder - going up into the Ringing Room


Trap door to the Dead Air Space Gallery and another ladder?


Dead Air Space Gallery


Up Among the Bells


More Ladders? An upper view


Darke Memorial Chimes

Fall Concert Series – 2012


Expected concert dates:



September 3 – noon – Wayne Tunison

September 7 – 1:30 pm – Kiet Truong

September 9 – 7:00pm – Wayne Tunison

September 13 – 4:30pm – Azure Benesh, Bonita Dolmage & Ronnie Yee

September 15 – 11am – Trevor Anderson

September 17 – 2:00pm – Wayne Tunison

September 19 – 4:30pm – Azure Benesh

September 24 – 4pm – Wayne Tunison

September 26 – noon – Bev Lundahl

September 29 – 11am – Trevor Anderson





F. Wayne Tunison


Wayne has been a bell ringer for more than four decades.   He is the father of four children.  As a patriotic promoter of the Regina Arts scene, he enjoys discovering the creative gems, which this prairie city often produces.


Wayne is a multidisciplinary artist interested in combining various media for exotic communication effects.  Wayne enjoys drawing, painting writing and music.  Wayne has produced more than 100 videos in the last 20 years.  As an engineer, Wayne researches techniques for articulating technical speculation, in other words, “How can we share our science fiction dreams with others?”  “How can we turn dreams into reality?”


Wayne encourages the multicultural aspects of the Regina Bell Ringers along with the local composers.  Wayne is a freemason, dynamic speaker and volunteer with water polo. 





F. Wayne Tunison



1.       Canticle of Praise #3                Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

2.       Kyrie                                             John  Merbecke (c.1585)

3.       Te De um Laudamus #5            Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

4.       Celebrate Jesus                              John  Rosasco (b.1948)

5.       Celebrate Jesus                              John  Rosasco (b.1948)

6.       Psalm 82                                                     Irish Traditional

7.       Gloria Tibi                                   F. G. Plummer (1858-1929)

8.       Hymn Tune #022                      Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

9.       None But Christ                 James  McGranahan (1840-1907)

10.   Interlude #87                            Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

11.   Living God                                 Daniel  Iverson (1890-1972)

12.   Hymn Tune #104                      Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

13.   St. Mary                                   Pry's "Psalm Book" (b.1621)

14.   By Grace Made Strong              Kurt Frederic Kaiser (b.1934)

15.   Xaviera                                    Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

16.   Pater Omnium        Henry James Ernest Holmes (1852-1938)

17. Gooby-Gumbo's Amen              Larry John Peterson (b.1952)



F. Wayne Tunison


Wayne has been a bell ringer for more than four decades.   He is the father of four children.  As a patriotic promoter of the Regina Arts scene, he enjoys discovering the creative gems, which this prairie city often produces.


Wayne is a multidisciplinary artist interested in combining various media for exotic communication effects.  Wayne enjoys drawing, painting writing and music.  Wayne has produced more than 100 videos in the last 20 years.  As an engineer, Wayne researches techniques for articulating technical speculation, in other words, “How can we share our science fiction dreams with others?”  “How can we turn dreams into reality?”


Wayne encourages the multicultural aspects of the Regina Bell Ringers along with the local composers.  Wayne is a freemason, dynamic speaker and volunteer with water polo. 





F. Wayne Tunison



1.       Psalm Of Approach      George Alexander MacFarren (1813-1887)

2.       Joyful Noise                                  Jimmy  Owens (b.1930)

3.       Thompson           William Lamartine Thompson (1847-1909)

4.       Sancte Dei                                              Sarum Plainsong

5.       Gooby-Gumbo Plays In The Mud          Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

6.       Hymn Tune #143                   Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

7.       Paradise                         Henry Thomas Smart (1813-1879)

8.       Omni Die                                             "Trier Gesangbuch"

9.       Easter Song                                                 Anne  Herring

10.   Mr. Blister Shaves His Whiskers          Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

11.   Frankfurter Segenslied                             Dieter  Trantwein

12.   Hammersmith            William Henry Gladstone (1840-1891)

13.   Hesperus                       Henry Williams Baker (1821-1877)

14.   Plead for Me                               John  Stainer (1840-1901)

15.   Great Amen                                   Stuart  Semple (b.1935)



F. Wayne Tunison


Wayne has been a bell ringer for more than four decades.   He is the father of four children.  As a patriotic promoter of the Regina Arts scene, he enjoys discovering the creative gems, which this prairie city often produces.


Wayne is a multidisciplinary artist interested in combining various media for exotic communication effects.  Wayne enjoys drawing, painting writing and music.  Wayne has produced more than 100 videos in the last 20 years.  As an engineer, Wayne researches techniques for articulating technical speculation, in other words, “How can we share our science fiction dreams with others?”  “How can we turn dreams into reality?”


Wayne encourages the multicultural aspects of the Regina Bell Ringers along with the local composers.  Wayne is a freemason, dynamic speaker and volunteer with water polo. 





F. Wayne Tunison



1.       He's Got the Whole World               American  Traditional

2.       Salve Festa Dies     Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)

3.       Psalm 119                        Thomas  Attwood (1765-1838)

4.       Toronto                            John Willard Peterson (b.1921)

5.       Time Bombs Are Ticking      Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

6.       Ira                                     Ira David Sankey (1840-1908)

7.       Cooling                                                       A. J. Abbey

8.       Mavis                                 Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

9.       Onion Time Again                Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

10.   Ascension                     William Henry Monk (1823-1889)

11.   Roeder                                       Carl F. Schalk (b.1929)

12.   Pass It On                          Kurt Frederic Kaiser (b.1934)

13.   Walden                      James Edmund Jones (1866-1939)

14.   Cushman                                   Herbert  Turner (b.1905)

15.   Amen #106                         Larry John Peterson (b.1952)



F. Wayne Tunison


Wayne has been a bell ringer for more than four decades.   He is the father of four children.  As a patriotic promoter of the Regina Arts scene, he enjoys discovering the creative gems, which this prairie city often produces.


Wayne is a multidisciplinary artist interested in combining various media for exotic communication effects.  Wayne enjoys drawing, painting writing and music.  Wayne has produced more than 100 videos in the last 20 years.  As an engineer, Wayne researches techniques for articulating technical speculation, in other words, “How can we share our science fiction dreams with others?”  “How can we turn dreams into reality?”


Wayne encourages the multicultural aspects of the Regina Bell Ringers along with the local composers.  Wayne is a freemason, dynamic speaker and volunteer with water polo. 





F. Wayne Tunison


1.       Redhead No. 47                   Richard  Redhead (1820-1901)

2.       Car-Y-Phoose (Wedding Song) Version 2   Manx Traditional

3.       Buckskin Skirt                                     Cowboy Traditional

4.       Skeeyley Brreshey (Bride Parish)             Manx  Traditional

5.       Joe Williams                                      American Traditional

6.       She Has Such Impeccable Credentials Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

7.       Graih My Chree (love of My Heart)           Manx  Traditional

8.       Etude #3-"1-BELL"                 Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

9.       Bad Company                                                  Tom  Wills

10.   My Henn Ghooinney Mie (My Good Old Man)             Manx  Traditional

11.   Red Light Saloon                                 Cowboy  Traditional

12.   Isabel Foalsey (False Isabel)                    Manx  Traditional

13.   Yuck, It's A Booger!               Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

14.   Old Chisholm Trail                                Cowboy Traditional

15.   Yn Shenn Dolphin                                    Manx Traditional

16.   Whitworth                                     Walter MacNutt (b.1910)

17.   Old Farts In Space                 Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

18.   They-re Down & They're Down              Cowboy Traditional

19.   Tea from a Room with no Corners - J-542           F. Wayne Tunison (b.1953)   

20.   Amen Again                           Larry John Peterson (b.1952)






Kiet Truong



Kiet was born in Cholon, Vietnam where she was a registered nurse.  With the fall of Vietnam, Kiet became a small boat escapee for freedom.


Kiet has played the bells for more than twenty years attempting to fuse her eastern spiritualism with the modernism she embraces in her new home. 


Kiet is the mother of one daughter.




Kiet Truong

1.       Easter Canticle #1                Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

2.       Cantate Domino              John Stafford Smith (1750-1836)

3.       Easter Chant                        Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

4.       Daydream #06                     Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

5.       We Should Get Married         Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

6.       Magnificat                                   W.  Russell (1777-1813)

7.       Interlude #43                        Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

8.       Gooby-Gumbo Takes His First Step   Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

9.       Hanson Place                       Robert S. Lowry (1826-1899)

10.   Hymn Tune #077                  Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

11.   Au Clair de la Lune                              French  Traditional

12.   Jade's Interlude                    Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

13.   Mr. Blister Walks Alone         Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

14.   A Big Dog Ate My Slippers    Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

15.   Love, O Love, Stay Thy Doubts         Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

16.   Gloria Mundi's Glorious Sunday Hymn Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

17.   Amen #013                          Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

18.   Kewpie Doll Strikes Back      Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

19.   Amen #015                          Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

20.   Amen #018                          Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

21.   Amen For Gooby-Gumbo                 Gloria  Mundi (b.1806)

22.   Closing Chant                             Van Denman Thompson

23.   Amen #027                          Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

24.   Amen #212                          Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

25.   Amen Plain And Fancy         Larry John Peterson (b.1952)






Trevor Anderson





Trevor Anderson


1.       Amen To St. Monk                      Gloria  Mundi (b.1806)

2.       Yona                                Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

3.       Shanty Creek                                              Roy  Hopp

4.       Meditation #12                  Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

5.       Swiss Melody          "Hymns of Consecration and Faith" (c.1876)

6.       Amen #219                       Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

7.       Allein Gott In Der Hoh                         Nikolaus  Decius

8.       Psalm 47                                  Eleanor  Daley (b.1955)

9.       Safety                                               Howard E. Smith

10.   Dies Irae                                            Sarum Plainsong

11.   Symnpathy                   John Hart Stockton (1813-1877)

12.   St. Guy of Pamposa's Canon       Gloria  Mundi (b.1806)

13.   Fortem Virii Pectore                            Sarum Plainsong

14.   St. Tarasius                      Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

15.   Phrynia                             Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

16.   Adore Thee                                       Theodore  Dubois

17.   Spirit of Gentleness                            James K. Manley

18.   Psalm 125                                    Fred Kimball Graham






Trevor Anderson






Trevor Anderson


1.       Amen To St. Abraham Kidunaia          Gloria  Mundi (b.1806)

2.       Glory Song   Charles Homer Hutchinson Gabriel (1856-1932)

3.       Ilana                                       Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

4.       Iona                                        Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

5.       Theodora                                                        Alfred Legge

6.       June Chimes                           Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

7.       Agnus Dei                                     John  Merbecke (c.1585)

8.       Benedictus Qui Venit                  Healey  Willan (1880-1968)

9.       The Heart's Refuge        William Howard Doane (1832-1915)

10.   St. Petronax                            Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

11.   Reynoldstone           Timothy Richard Matthews (1826-1910)

12.   Whitsunday Canticle #5           Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

13.   Hymn Tune #139                     Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

14.   St. Swithbert's Canon                        Gloria  Mundi (b.1806)

15.   Meditation #7                          Larry John Peterson (b.1952)




Bev Lundahl (Windy)



Bev has apprenticed for two years on the bells and is just beginning the intermediate stage.  Having recently retired she hopes to continue practising and enjoys the company of her granddaughter, Mercedees, who is also an apprentice.  Bev and Mercedees both attend Knox Metropolitan church and Bev is the curator of the Dead Air Space Art Gallery.






Bev Lundahl (Windy)



1.    Psalm of Approach # 19               F. Wayne Tunison (b.1953)

2.    St. Denio                                                   Welsh Traditional

3.    Salzburg                          Johann Michael Haydn (1737-1806)

4.    Plain Hunt Minimus 1 4 2 5                                   Traditional

5.    Petra                                      Richard  Redhead (1820-1901)

6.    The Four Maries                                      Scottish Traditional

7.    Worried Blues                                                     Hally Wood

8.    Plain Hunt Doubles 1 2 3 4 6                                 Traditional

9.    Jankoy                                                     USSR  Traditional

10.God Be In My Head           Henry Walford Davies (1869-1941)

11.Plain Hunt Minimus 1 4 2 5                                   Traditional

12.St. Petersburg     Dmitri Stepanovich Bortniansky (1751-1825)

13.Rochester                       Charles Hylton Stewart (1884-1932)

14.A Little Amen                            Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

15.Old Brass Wagon                                  American Traditional



Azure Benesh

Azure Benesh was born in Regina and has been a part of the Regina Bell Ringers since the age of seven. She is now a senior apprentice and tries to ring as often as possible. Azure is not only a bell ringer, she is known by many as Maiden Sane of Regina's Pile O' Bones Derby Club. She finds the mixture of sport in the form of roller derby and music in the form of bell ringing to be a perfect combination of art, exercise, discipline and creation.

Ronnie Yee

Ronnie Yee was born in Regina and has been a part of the Regina Bell Ringers since the spring of 2012. He is a beginner apprentice and has chosen the bells as his first musical instrument. Ronnie Yee is a Martial Artist of many disciplines but his passion is in the art of Taiji. In Taiji he has mastered the movements of internal body coordination but finds the external musical rhythms of the bells to be quite a challenge. He hopes to one day find as much harmony in bell ringing as he does in Taiji.


PITA is one of the oldest apprentice (chronologically) in the bell tower.  She comes to the Regina Bell Ringers with a strong vocal background both choral and solo.

PITA was born in Winnipeg and has lived in Saskatchewan since 1974 (originally Saskatoon, Regina since 1995), with a brief interlude in Ontario. She has five children and five grandchildren, all of whom are music-lovers and musicians. Bell-ringing is one of her latest attempts to try as many musical instruments as possible while still able-bodied and of sound mind (some already question the latter)!



Azure Benesh, Ronnie Yee & PITA



1.    Psalm of Approach # 45               F. Wayne Tunison (b.1953)

2.    Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen    American  Traditional

3.    The Friendly Beasts                                 English  Traditional

4.    1 3 2 4 6 5                                                           Traditional

5.    Gertrude                                   Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

6.    Nicæa                               John Bacchus Dykes (1823-1876)

7.    November Chimes                    Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

8.    Franconia                       Johann Balthasar Konig (1691-1758)

9.    Korea                                                      Korean  Traditional

10.Blanket Routine                                  Gloria  Mundi (b.1806)

11.Lord Of The Dance                      Sydney  Carter (1915-2004)

12.Ascendit Deus              Johann Gottfried Schicht (1753-1823)

13.Little Boxes                           Malvina  Reynolds (1900-1978)

14.Heinlein                                       Martin  Herbst (1654-1681)

15.Who'll Buy My Roses                              English  Traditional

16.Who'll Buy My Roses                              English  Traditional

17.Who'll Buy My Roses                              English  Traditional

18.Lafferty                                            Karen  Lafferty (b.1948)

19.Amen for an Emergency Call Number         F. Wayne Tunison (b.1953)



Azure Benesh


Azure Benesh was born in Regina and has been a part of the Regina Bell Ringers since the age of seven. She is now a senior apprentice and tries to ring as often as possible. Azure is not only a bell ringer, she is known by many as Maiden Sane of Regina's Pile O' Bones Derby Club. She finds the mixture of sport in the form of roller derby and music in the form of bell ringing to be a perfect combination of art, exercise, discipline and creation.




Azure Benesh


1.       Psalm of Approach # 46              F. Wayne Tunison (b.1953)

2.       Canticle of Praise                           John  Goss (1800-1880)

3.       Jesse James                                      American  Traditional

4.       Judas Maccabaeus      George Frederich Handel (1685-1759)

5.       Brush Up Your Shakespeare           Cole  Porter (1891-1964)

6.       Tyrol                                                       Italian  Traditional

7.       Washed In The Blood    Elisha Albright Hoffman (1839-1929)

8.       Yisrael V'oraita                                       Jewish  Traditional

9.       St. Ignatius                              John  Beaumont (1762-1822)

10.   Gedenkt Heute An Baden        Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

11.   Old 137                                                   Swiss  Traditional

12.   I Am Thine                     William Howard Doane (1832-1915)

13.   Galway Bay                        Dr. Arthur  Colahan (1890-1952)

14.   Cleansing Fountain                             American  Traditional

15.   Cheerful                  Martin Edward Fallas Shaw (1875-1958)

16.   I Love Nobody                         Larry John Peterson (b.1952)

17.   Les Moissonneurs                Francois  Couperin (1668-1733)

18.   Olivet                                         Lowell  Mason (1792-1872)

19.   The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace (Benedictus)            Karl  Jenkins (b.1944)

20.   Precious Lord                    George Nelson Allen (1812-1877)

21.   11-Fold Amen                             F. Wayne Tunison (b.1953)