Opening for the Arrogant Worms   Feb 6  assisted by Anna


  1. Psalm Of Reproach                                         Larry Peterson (b.1953)
  2. Pie In The Sky                                                American Traditional
  3. Two Maggots Fighting In Dead Ernest          Gloria Mundi (
  4. Zygote Ewe Babe (A Tribute To Dolly)         Larry Peterson (b.1953)
  5. Kas Dziedaja                                                   Latvian Traditional
  6. Old Gray Mare                                                Anonymous
  7. Lady Di Chucks It All                                    Larry Peterson (b.1953)
  8. Providence                                                      Solomon W. Straub (1842-1899)
  9. Volga Boatman                                               Russian Traditional
  10. There Came A Girl From France                    Canadian Traditional
  11.  Vengeance of Worms                                    Larry Peterson (b.1953)
  12.  Three Lovely Ducks                                       Canadian Traditional
  13.  Drum Dance Of Insult                                   Canadian Traditional
  14.  Carrots To The Slaughter                               Larry Peterson (b.1953)
  15.  Long Legged Sailor                                       English Tradotopma;
  16.  My Boyfriend Has Such A Large Nose        DoukaBour Traditional
  17.  O Happy Day                                                 Phillip  Doddridge (1702-1751)
  18.  My Cigar Has The Morals Of An Alleycat   Larry Peterson (b.1953)
  19.  Who'll Buy My Roses                                    English Traditional
  20.  Three Wise Amens                                         Larry Peterson (b.1953)